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Since 1932, the ten editions of Architectural Graphic Standards have been referred to as the "architect's bible." From site excavation to structures to roofs, this book is the first place to look when an architect is confronted with a
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Amazon配送商品ならArchitectural Graphic Standards CD-ROMが通常配送無料。更にAmazonならポイント還元本が多数。Ramsey, Charles George, Sleeper, Harold Reeve作品ほか、お急ぎ便対象商品は当日お届けも可能。 Now, with the latest edition of Architectural Graphic Standards for Residential Construction, you can keep your practice at the ready. This edition was expertly redesigned to include all-new material on current technology specific to residential projects for anyone designing, constructing, or modifying a residence. Since 1932, the ten editions of Architectural Graphic Standards have been referred to as the "architect's bible." From site excavation to structures to roofs, this book is the first place to look when an architect is confronted with a question about building design. An essential guide for designing in today's fast paced and competitive building environment, "Architectural Graphic Standards for Residential Construction" is a critical resource if you're an architect, contractor, engineer, developer, home builder, or other professional involved in designing residential buildings. Title: GRAPHIC STANDARDS MANUAL 1 Author.A.^V.A.L.q.R Created Date: 12/26/2007 10:51:59 AM 品質管理2003体験版 2.03-1 品質管理2003の30日間無料の体験版 (10.04.20公開 6,909k) 木造住宅 構造検討シートv23 y軸柱通りの配列を一般的に描かれる平面図の表記に従い変更した木造住宅 構造検討シート (08.12.11公開 1,204k) 見本帳の切り替え時期に、ダウンロードしていただくと便利です。 公共施設など、防炎物品の使用が義務付けられている場合、 防炎物品(カーテン)の試験番号を提出する必要があります。
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